Friday, November 23, 2007

what the F#@k!!!!!

Girls, if these clowns think they're all that, they haven't seen our Geisha "whore" house at 9th street

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Need I say more...

This Queen totally made my night...she was hilarious and made me think of one of our own sista's in my drunken state...can you guess

Whos prettier???

Damn this bitch knows how to put on make-up...its flawless...I was facinated by this performer and thus the cozy pic...I invited her to Mayan...thank god its not a before and after pic. of me!

Eddie in Thailand???

When I saw this ad...I totally thought he looked like eddie...the hair...high cheek bones...minus the foundation and pink rouge...don't you think this looks like his Bangkok twin???

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Oh Giselle...Look who's replacing you. S(HE) costs only a few bahts.....not million$$


Friday, November 9, 2007

EX that needs to be AXED

Saw this post on fridae.....I hope this never happens to you, but hey.....i have had some share of psycho ex too before.

my ex is simply evil !!
52007.11.10 saturday

i received the following sms from my ex effendi (a.k.a. hans on internet) after i posted a new blog entry on fridae last night

06:47am "If you dont take out my pic i will tell and fax to your family that you gay"

06:50am "And i will tell find a strong witch to curse you"

06:59am "And if keep posting my pic i can post your pics even topless to gay website"

11:02am "... i will call you sister and your old office and tell them you gay and fax to them all your pic with me to prove it"

i'm soooo scared now. should i report all these to the police?

but i'm not going to stop disclosing more bad things he did to me until he stops calling and posting my name/pic on internet!


2007.11.09 friday

effendi (a.k.a. hans on internet) is not just a playboy, a liar but also a PSYCHO !!

we've totally separated and not contacted since february 2007 but he and his new bf "vince" keep calling me and my family -- during the days & even midnight!

enough is enough!! i've been silent for so long but it doesn't mean i'm the bad guy. i'm letting it fade away but he keeps provoking me and even disturbing my family!!

effendi, if u continue to do this, i'll just reveal all the tricks & lies you did to me and will do whatever it takes to make u suffer no less. u have my words!!

(ps: i know it's very bad to post someone's real name & photo on fridae without his prior consent. but my ex was the one who started to do that to me long time ago!)


Just wanted to say a quick farewell as I journey off to the wonderful world of Thailand. Keep up this bitch site and I will try to have plenty of material for here and conversation as well. Have a great week...see Y'ALL soon!



Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Toys linked to date-rape drug recalled

Chinese-made beads for children metabolize into GHB when ingested

WASHINGTON - Millions of Chinese-made toys have been pulled from shelves in North America and Australia after scientists found they contain a chemical that converts into a powerful “date rape” drug when ingested. Two children in the U.S. and three in Australia were hospitalized after swallowing the beads
Scientists say a chemical coating on the beads, when ingested, metabolizes into the so-called date rape drug gamma hydroxy butyrate.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I can be this years WINNER!

If the middle one is the winner of Mr. Pride..then the one on the left is the winner of Mr. Greasy Excessive Foundation and on the right is the winner Mr. I'm an old Jew who will Pay 50 baht for Thai penis...

The Battle of the "ITS"....

Who do you choose to win in this match of Fuggliness to the death?

Ghetto Teletubbies...

I guess you can accomplish a lot with six retarded friends and multi-colored see through fabric on halloween...can anyone say LOW Budget!


This crazieeee looking bitch was bored and had a few pack of condoms she obviously wasnt going to use for

Friday, November 2, 2007


I may get into UFC fitting just to get into the ring with him....jd

Need Group Exercise? Hey! Come on down and bring your friends along! The more the merrier!

Forget Yoga! This group therapy is a better-heart-pumpin'-sweaty exercise


Le Most Fabeluex Bloggers
