Friday, October 12, 2007

Chocolate in China

One of our bitchy-blogger HARDLY watches Survivor. Maybe this HMMMM-OH-SO BEEFY-CHOCOLATE-BULL will entice her. By the way Raccoon, he's a "gravedigger"....cemetary is a creepy place to pay a surprise visit.

photo courtesy of CBS


Timmy-Sety said...

Even before Survivor:China started, I was already googling him !!! He's just hunkalicious !! Absolutely incredibly delicious !! Am I drooling already ? ?? SOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOTTTTTTTT !!!! Maybe he likes Chinese boys and Dim Sum.... Siu Mai anyone ?

Anonymous said...

If somehow they run out of food, maybe he can eat raccoon pussy and drink the juice....Hey, whatever it takes to "survive"

Timmy-Sety said...

Honey... he can lick my pussy any time he wants !!!

Anonymous said...

I wish i was gay!

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