Monday, August 20, 2007

Kinky Asian Art History 101

from China. A young actor (receiver) and scholar (giver), courtesy of

1801, Japan. Fumi no kiyogaki (Models of Calligraphy). Lesbianism in non-orgy settings is rare in Edo-period prints. The girls are applying lubricant to the phallus, courtesy of


Timmy-Sety said...

Yes.... we've (gay) been around longer than prostitution...

See how small the pee pee is.... so typically Chinese .... kinda sad. :(

Anonymous said...


Top pic: I can see turtle and chipmunk are doin it, humping it like a doggy style

Bottow Pic: I can imagine Posh and Bambi are doing it to each other simultinatelously, fingering and licking it good. Life is good, aint it?

CoochiePOP said...

Bottom picture is definitely Timmy because he likes BLACK DICK.

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