Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Pure Sexiness

Hahaha i found this on another blogger site. It's Hillarious! I am laughing so hard and i want to share with you lovely bitches. Let's all go to Hell! Pfffftt.....

Sources: INFdaily.com

You just know Donald Trump is already saving his comment on this pic for "The Insider" or "Access Hollywood" tonight. Let me guess Donald, Rosie is a fat pig.

Anyway, Rosie spent a lovely day on the water with her kids this past weekend. I'm a little disappointed that she's taking the fat way out and wearing a t-shirt. I want to see the goods! Gummi Bear still has bigger tits than her.

LOL @ the Gummi Bear. Damn Wombat needs to go to sleep because Wombat is tired :(

Love, Wombat


Bambi said...

Its it just me...or does the boat look like its split in half above where she is sitting???

Unknown said...

How sad...it this what happen when you let yourself go? This will be my inspiration to go to the gym tonight.

Chipmunk Caliente said...

is that kirsten dunst on the right side?

Bambi said...

omg chip...i was thinking the same thing...she looks like KIKI...

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