Tuesday, August 14, 2007



Wombat Extraordinaire said...


is my eyes playing trick on me?

Is that Amy? tap tap tap..Amy Winehouse is that you? You Poor wino...cmon here you little girl.. i feel sad for you. Let me feed you, mama :(

Bambi said...

which third world country was this girl's pic taken at??? She would be some old white guys wet dream...

Chipmunk Caliente said...


this pic will be your motivation to achieve before Avalon. NO BEEF until labor day weekend

CoochiePOP said...

Is that your hermes scarf turned into swim trunk?

Timmy-Sety said...

OMG ... i didn't even recognize myself until much later !! I was so skinny !!! And that wasn't my Hermes scarf.... but an orange Dirk Birkemberg swimshorts.... which i've already gave away !! can't even dream wearing it now !!

Unknown said...

OMG, How old was this pic taken?

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