Sunday, August 19, 2007

Phewww....You almost had me, CASPER!

Random Pic from Gambeboi

We bitch and talk shitz but it doesn't make us a bad person, Does it? Whatever..

Look at this powder queen on the right. You know why i am bitter? I have a fear-of-clown. They are everywhere, i feel they are chasing me all the time.


Chipmunk Caliente said...

the guy on the left needs to shave his bradpitt...oops....armpit.

CoochiePOP said...

memoir of a GAY-sha.

Anonymous said...

confucious says, "never sniff che che infront of fan"

Anonymous said...

is the tasteless queen on the right holding her underware around the tasteless queen on the left...she should really check out what she is wearing or in this case shouldn't be wearing before scaring the public.

Timmy-Sety said...

Don't these people look at themselves in the mirror before leaving the house ?

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